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Tips for What to Do During Lockdown When Planning Your Wedding

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

The UK may be currently on lockdown... but that doesn't mean you can’t embrace all things wedding planning and get VERY excited! Now is certainly the time to binge watch The Tiger King but you can also be creative and productive too!

There is a lot out there right now about how to postpone your wedding, do you need to cancel etc and that’s because for many this is a real heart wrenching time. However, here at Bellissima we are all always as positive as can be and now more than ever, we need to spread some cheer and give people something to look forward to! 

The lockdown has been hard on everyone. The financial side of things aside it can be hard to keep your spirits up day to day when you just don't know when the end is in sight. For us, we try to make daily/weekly goals - achievements that are attainable and rewarding. It can be something simple like catching up with an old friend tomorrow, teaching your dog a new trick or something more advanced, like learning the basics in Spanish. What ever it is that stops you from staying in bed all day will help you to get through this, and if you're virtually sharing these milestones with your friends too that'll help to keep them moving forward.

So, here are our top tips on what to do (wedding related) during this time to keep you excited and looking forward to your big day! 

Tips for What to Do During Lockdown When Planning Your Wedding

Learn calligraphy. Why not become a semi-master and then do all your own wedding invites or on the day stationery? Check out SkillShare, they have loads of tutorials you can follow that will guide you through how to take your doctors handwriting and turn it into a work of art! You never know, it could end up being a little earner on the side if you like it enough!

Make your own confetti. We are all desperate to get outside so if you are lucky enough to have a garden full of flowers get out there and start drying those petals to make beautiful confetti. It’s also a great job to give mums, family and friends who may also be struggling with things to do right now! Here's a very easy tutorial on how to make your own confetti.


DIY it all! There is so much you can make for your big day whether it be signs from bits of wood in the garage or your own wedding invites, start getting those creative juices flowing and see where it takes you!

Create an Amazon wish list. There are going to be so many little bits that you will need for your big day, now's the time to start that wish list of what to order nearer the time. It may be pens for your guest book or a cake stand for your dessert table. As you will not be so rushed, you can have a proper look at what you want.

Look at what the ideal thank you gifts will be. Now more than ever small businesses need your support so start using this time to see what the perfect thank you gifts would be for your parents and bridal party. Here's a link to the Thank you Gifts on Etsy but also do a search for people in your local area and support those around you with uncertain futures of their own. The lovely people at Bloom Gin are offering FREE Bloom London Dry Gin 5cl miniature bottles as wedding favours to anyone whose wedding has been affected as a result of the virus. Register now!

Nail your planning!! This is the time were you can make sure you have ticked all the boxes. Have you got a perfect list together, is your budget on track and you can confirm what suppliers you want to use? Your suppliers need you right now so if you have been hanging on to confirm them and have the funds to do so, it would be amazing if you can make them do their happy dance right now by paying that deposit or at least stay in touch.

Get that sewing kit out! Start making your own bunting, fabric backdrop (with a quote on using the calligraphy skills you are also working on!) or embroider your wedding date in blue thread to the inside of your dress as your something blue! Here is a very simple tutorial on how to make your own bunting using scraps of material and no pesky sewing machine!

Video chat with your bridal party! Get everyone involved in one big Zoom/HouseParty chat, make sure everyone has wine, snacks and some music playing. It’s a great way for the groomsmen and bridesmaids to get to know each other! And such a lovely to keep connected in these very isolated times during lockdown! 

Look at your wedding budget. If your wedding has been postponed, are there areas that you originally couldn’t afford that now, given the extra time to save, you can think about having to make your day even more perfect? You definitely deserve it!!

And if you're having a day off from all the crafty wedding planning stuff, just have a laugh with us on TikTok!


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